Monday, August 31, 2009

Liz 23-30

23-The fly is an example of an ectotherm. An ectotherm is an animal such as a reptile, fish or amphibian, whose body is regulated by their behavior or their surroundings.

24-The granola is an example of glycogen. Glycogen is a complex branched of polysaccharides that serve as a food reserve in animals, bacteria and fungi.

25-The tomato is a gibberellin. Gibberellin is one of numerous plant hormones that promote stem elongation.

26-Rice is a C3 plant. In the photosynthesis of this plant,phosphoglycerat is produced.

27-Lettuce is a long day plant. Lettuce requires light for a longer period than other plants so that is can flower.

28- Ethylene is contained within bananas. Its is a colorless and flammable gas that has a sweet, unpleasant odor and taste. Its is an agent that is used to improve the color of citrus fruits.

29-Adaptation of a plant: The orange is covered by a layer of skin that is used to protect it from insects during its development.

30- This is an example of bilateral symmetry. The stem cuts the leaf in half and both sides of it are exactly the same

Kayla E. 12-33

Nails have keratin in them. Our hair also made up of keratin.

This is a picture of my dog and cat. Because they live together and get along this is an example of commensalism.

This egg shown in the picture is an example of amniotic egg. It is layed by chickens.

This flower is an example of an eukaryote. This is because the nucleus is clearly shown.

The tomato is ripening because of a gaseous hormone called ethylene.

This tree is an example of xylem. Xylem is way that nutrients are transported from the roots to the leaves.

My arm and hand are examples of epithelial tissure. The epithelial tissue is the skin that covers my hand and arm protecting the inside.

In the inside of the plant there is pollen. This is what helps create new plants.

A pineapple is an example of a CAM plant. A CAM plant allows CO2 to enter at night.

A lemon shows radial symmetry.

Animals and humans are examples of heterotrophs. A heterotroph cannot produce its own food from photosynthesis.

Flowers are an example of autotrophs. They are able to produce their own food from photosynthesis.

This plant is an example of ATP. ATP transports chemical energy within cells for metabolism.

Enzymes are what help break things down. The salivia on your tongue acts as an enzyme by breaking down the food we eat.

A phenotype is the dominant allele. In my family brown eyes is the dominant allele.

Our ears are made up of connective tissue. One example of connective tissue is cartilage. Ears are made up of cartilage.

Phloem is in the inner most layer of the tree. It is also responsible for carring sugar and nutrients throughtout the tree.

Dominant vs. Recessive phenotype. This picture of my cat shows the different colors she has. Black is the dominant phenotype because most of her body is black, where orange and white are recessive.

A Meristem. This stem shows areas where new growth can begin.

Bread is an example of carbohydrates. It is made up of starch and sugars which break down as energy for your body.

A potato is an example of a long day plant. This means the plant needs sunlight for more than a normal days length.

Gibberellins are hormones that are produced in roots, stems and leaves.

Liz #13-22


This is a frond. A frond is a large leaf with many different divisions to it. Fronds have the structure of ferns and alga. Unlike the fern and the alga, fronds have spore-bearing reproductive structures.


This is my little brother and as a human, he is an example of a heterotroph. A heterotroph is an organism that cannot derive energy from photosynthesis or inorganic chemicals. Heterotrophs have to feed on other plants and animals to obtain chemical energy.


A flower is an example of an organism that goes through ATP. ATP is a process that takes place through respiration so that a plant can produce its own energy


The bark of a tree is an example of cambium. Cambium is a layer of delicate meristematic tissue between the inner bark and the wood. It is found on the outside and forms all secondary growth in plants and forms the annual rings of wood.


My little brothers little hand represents epithelial tissue. Epithelial tissue is a tissue that covers internal organs and other internal surfaces of the body.


The outer layer of the leaf is the cuticle layer of the plant. This layer protects and supports the plant.


The ear is an example of connective tissue. Connective tissue supports and surrounds other tissues and organs, cartliage is a common example.


The inside of a lemon represents radial symmetry. Each segment of the lemon is evenly distributed by the lines.


The cat represents an endotherm. An endotherm is an animal that is capable of maintaining a constant body temperature.


Fermentation is the process in which grape juice is joined with other ingredients resulting in a chemical reaction that produces wine.

Dinah post #4 45-50

45. endotherm- an endotherm is a warm-blooded organism. The dog is an example of an endotherm.

46. long-day plant- the peas are long-day plants because they need sunlight for more hours than other plants. Peas flower in the late spring early summer season as the days get longer.

47. heterotroph- a heterotroph is an organism that cannot produce its own food so it depends on an organic substance such as plants to receive nutrition. The goat is an example of a heterotroph because it feeds from the grass and other plants.

48. modified root of a plant- this plant has a horizontal root to it. Modified roots of a plant contain a horizontal shape to itself.

49. cuticle layer of a plant- the long leaves show their outer covering which is the cuticle layer. The cuticle layer protects and supports the plant. It also serves as the barrier for water transportation throughout the leaves.

50. gymnosperm leaf- a seed plant that has reproduced an exposed seed and are not inside an ovary contain leaves such as these needle-like leaves.

Liz #1-12...for some reason couldn't put in more picture so the rest will be on a different post




These are different types of carbohydrates. A carbohydrate is an organic compound consisting of a chain or ring of carbon atoms to which hydrogen and oxygen atoms are attached in a 2:1. Carbohydrates include sugars, starch, glycogen and cellulose.


A cucumber is a eukaryote. An eukaryote is a cell characterized by membrane-bounded organelles and one that possesses chromosomes whose DNA is associated with proteins; an organism composed of such cells.


Cheese and an apple are two different types of proteins. A protein is a chain of amino acids joined by peptide bonds.


These are amniotic eggs. They are isolated and protected from the environment by a shell during the period of their development. It is completely self-sufficient and it only requires oxygen.


Carrots are known as enzymes. An enzyme is a protein that is capable of speeding up specific chemical reactions by lowering the required activation energy.


Trees are known as autotrophs. An autotroph is an organism that is able to produce its own food source using only simple inorganic compounds.


Pollination is the transfer of pollen from an anther to a stigma. In this picture my pen is attempting to point to the pollinator which is the bee. The bee is in charge of the transfer.


Mushrooms are known as a type of spore. A spore is a reproductive cell, mostly unicellular, capable of developing into an adult without fusion with another cell.


Spiders have segmented bodies. A spiders body is divided into two easily recognized parts, the prosoma,composed of the fused head and thorax and the abdomen.


Flowers are known to reproduce through asexual reproduction. Asexual reproduction is the process by which an individual inherits all of its chromosomes from a single parent and is genetically identical to the parent by the process of meiosis.