Sunday, August 9, 2009

AndrewR 17,18,19 - Different Classes Of Protein (Group of three)

(17) Enzymes: Milk is an example of an enzyme because it contains the enzyme Lactase, or milk sugar. An enzyme is a protein that facilitates a chemical process within an process. In humans, lactase aids in the digestion of milk.

(18) Structure Proteins: My hair is a great example of a structural protein. Hair contains the amino acids of a structural protein called Keratin. Keratins are strong fibrous structural proteins that are insoluable and are responsible for the formation of many animal structures. Keratin takes many forms within a single organism. In humans, keratin is used to form hair, toenails and fingernails.

(19) Transport Protein : This photograph is of my foot, more specifically, of the veins in my foot. Inside my veins flows my blood with its various contents including the human transport protein of Hemoglobin which gives blood its red color. Hemoglobin is responsible for transporting oxygen through the body via arteries, veins and capillaries. Transport Proteins are named so due to their function of transporting nutrients and sustinence throughout

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