Sunday, August 16, 2009

AndrewR 47 - 50 - Organisms in different Kingdoms.

At the top of the ecological classification system is the level of Kingdoms. Kingdoms each contain millions of sub classes and organisms. The six kingdoms are bacteria, archaebacteria, protists, animals, plants and fungus. These pictures capture four common samples of different animal kingdoms. The bird on my swing chair belongs to one of the largets known kingdoms, the animal kingdom in which we are classed as humans. The bagel is an example of bacteria becasue of the yeast it contains. Yeast is a unicellular bacteria utilized in baking and fermenting alcohol. In the bagel, the yeast, when cooked, rapidly grew forcing the bread to rise( a well known and widespread funciton of cooking yeast.) The rock i am holding comes from a frshwater pond. This rock is coated in a common protist, algae. Protists contain many eukaryotic autotrophs, but because of the kingdoms diversity, it is no longer widely credited to be a legitamate kingdom. The tree is of course the example of the Kingdom Plantae. This kingdom is also a contestant for one of the largest in existence with over 350,000 known species worldwide. Planst are noted for their autotrophic production of fod via the suns energy in a process called photosynthesis where the end product of oxygen fuels the lives of almost every orgganism on this planet.

1 comment:

  1. Andrew,

    Great job!
    I love this series.

    Good way to cap off this assignment.


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