Sunday, August 30, 2009

James' Bio Scavenger Hunt

46 - heterotrophs - this is a picture of some more reptiles, these reptiles cannot make there own food so they need to go out and find it for themselves making them heterotrophs.

45 - ectothermic - this fish is cold-blooded which means that the fish needs to control its body temperature using the environment like the sun making this a perfect example of an ectothermic animal.

44 - long day plant - this is a picture of lettuce, lettuce is a long day plant because it needs at least fourteen hours of sun everyday to grow properly.

43 - enzyme - at the bottom of this water bottle there is some saliva, in the saliva there are enzymes that speed up processes like digestion when it helps break down food in the mouth.

42 - redox reaction - this is a picture of baking soda and vinegar, this is an example of the redox reaction because during this process the oxidation number of the atoms changed and this was the result.

41 - radial symmetry - this is a picture of a lime, when i cut this lime in half i say that they two halves were symmetrical thus showing that the lime has radial symmetry.

40 - spore - this is a picture of some mushrooms which represtents a spore because the mushroom is a fungi

39 - auxin producing area of a plant - this is a picture of my moms tomato plant, in all plants auxin is the hormone that controls cell elongation, auxins were the first plant hormones discovered.

38 - cambium - this is a picture of a plant from the side of my house, this is an example of cambium because inside of this plant there is vascular cambium that produces secondary tissue, this cambium develops between the xylem and the phloem.

37 - parenchyma cells - this is a plant from my backyard, this is an example of parenchyma cells because the parenchyma cells are the most common plant cells with large vacuoles and thin walls.

36 - flower ovary - this is a picture of a flower in my backyard, in this picture you can see that this is a flowering plant and can be shown as an example of a flower ovary, the flower ovary is the female reproductive organ of the flower

35 - gibberellins - this is a pic of a plant which has gibberellins within, gibberellins are hormones in a plant that regulate and influence the plants processes and growth

34 - ethylene - this is a picture of a ripened apple, this is an example of ethylene because ethylene is a ripening agent for fruits. ethylene increases the levels of certain enzymes thus ripening the fruit

33 - parasitism - this is a picture of a rat, this is an example of parasitism because rats have parasites, they can have parasites like fleas, lice, mites and even worms.

32 - glycogen - this is a picture of a guinea pig, this is an example of glycogen because glycogen is a backup reserve form of energy in animals, the glycogen can quickly be used to fulfill a need for energy or glucose.

31 - seed dispersal (wind) - in this picture it is a windy day and due to this there is seed dispersal, wind is one form of transporting seeds to and from other plants to pollinate.

30 - predation - this is a picture of a cat, this cat is a predator towards birds and small rodents, due to this this picture is an example of predator

29 - gymnosperm cone (male or female) - these cones where on a bush in front of my house,(red) this gymnosperm cone is a mature female cone. (smaller green cones) developing female cone.

28 - meristem - this is a flowering plant in my backyard, this is an example of a meristem because like all other plants the meristem is the tissue found in the plant where growth can take place.

27 - ectotherm - these reptiles are a great example of ectotherms, reptiles are cold-blooded animals which means they control there body temperature with outside sources like the sun. due to this they are great examples of ectothermic animals.

26 - endosperm - this is a picture of a flower plant by my house, this is an example of endosperm because endosperm is the tissue in the seeds of most flowering plants.

25 - ATP - this is a picture of a plant in my backyard, because this plant uses the sun to do the process of photosynthesis this plant is an example of ATP because during photosynthesis ATP (an energy source) is produces.

24 - animal with a segmented body - in this picture it is tough to see but there are a few ants, and an ant like many other insects has a segmented body

23 - genetically modified organism - this is a picture of rice but the thing about it is when they grew it they genetically modified it in order to increase the amount of vitamin A, like many other foods today science has been able to use genetics to make rice more healthy.

22 - pollen - this is a plant from the front of my house, this plant is a flowering plant which used pollen to pollinate the flower because this flower uses sexual reproduction opposed to asexual reproduction

21 - phloem - this is also a plant from my backyard, within this plant is the other transport tissue other then the xylem, this transport tissue is the phloem but the phloem transports the nutrients and sugars to the parts of the plant that needs it.

20 - xylem - this is a plant from my backyard, inside of this plant there is a type of transport tissue called the xylem, this is one of the two types of transport tissue, this structures main purpose is to transport water through the plant.

19 - stigma and style of a carpel - this is another picture of a flowering plant in my backyard which shows the stigma and style of the carpel. the carpel is the female organ of the flower. the style connects the ovary of the flower to the stigma and the stigma is the part of the flower that receives the pollen.

18 - anther and filament of a stamen - this is a picture of a flowering plant in my backyard, this is an example of the stamens anther and filament (the male organ of the flower). the filament is the stalk like part of the stamen then on top of that is the anther.

17 - eukaryote - this is a picture of a tree in my backyard, this tree is an example of a eukaryote because the cells within are complex and have nucleus' which sets them apart from prokaryotic cells. most large organisms like animals and plants are eukaryotic.

16 - endotherm - in this picture there are two chinchillas in the back, these animals are warm blooded mammals which means they maintain a constant body temperature, thus making them a great example of an endotherm

15 - exoskeleton - this is a picture of some tortoises, this is a good example of an exoskeleton because the exoskeleton is an external skeleton that protects the body of the organism, in this case the tortoises shell is the exoskeleton.

14 - gymnosperm leaf - this is a plant in my backyard that consists of gymnosperm leafs, this type of gymnosperm is the scale-like type structure.

13 - heterotroph - this is a picture of some goldfish, these goldfish are an example of a heterotroph because they can't produce there own food, they are consumers.

12 - cuticle layer of a plant - this is a picture of a plant in front of my house, this plants leaves as the cuticle layer on them, the cuticle layer of the plant is the top waxy layer which serves as a barrier so that water doesn't escape the leaf.

11 - epithelial tissue - this is a picture of my arm but more importantly my skin, this is a good example because epithelial tissue covers the whole surface of the body made of closely packed cells.

10 - connective tissue - this is a picture of my ear, this is an example of connective tissue because in the ear there is lots of cartilage and connective tissue holding it all together.

9 - detritovore - this is a picture of an earthworm i found in my backyard, this is an example of a dertitivore because earthworms are heterotrophs that get food from decomposing organic matter.

8 - pollinator - this is a picture of a bee i saw in the front yard, a bee is a perfect example of a pollinator because it transports pollen from plant to plant aiding in sexual reproduction.

7 - homeostasis - this is a picture of me after one of my soccer games this summer, in this picture i am sweating which is a form of homeostasis because my body is using sweating as a way of cooling down and maintaining a constant conditions

6 - hermaphrodite - this is a picture of a slug, and a slug is an example of a hermaphrodite because it has both male and female reproductive organs

5 - autotroph - this is a picture of the grass in my backyard, this is a simple example of an autotroph because grass is an organism that uses the energy of the sun in photosynthesis to produce its own food.

4 - frond - this is a picture of a small fren i found in my backyard, this is an example of a frond because a frond is a leaf with many divisions to it and a fren is just that.

3 - asexual reproduction - this is a picture of a plant from my backyard, this plant is a good example of asexual reproduction because many plants reproduce by themselves and this is one of them, this plant doesn't need bees or any type of seed dispersal to pollinate.

2 - adaption of a plant - this is a picture of a plant in my backyard, as one can see the plant is leaning, growing, to the left. The reason behind this is that the plant was growing towards the sun and adaption to its advantage

1 - amniotic egg - this is a picture of a chickens egg, this is an example of an amniotic egg because an amniotic egg is the type of egg layed by reptiles, bird, and mammals that lay eggs

1 comment:

  1. James,

    Great job!

    Finally someone who got frond right!
    And you are the first to get glycogen right! Congratulations!

    I also really like the homeostasis idea. A that's one big slug!

    A couple of corrections:
    1. The gymnosperm photo is not correct. That is an herb -- probably thyme or lavender which are angiosperms (flowering plants). Gymnosperms would by pine or spruce or hemlock or yew.

    2. The red berry-like structures on the yew bush are not cones even tough they contain a seed... it's not even a berry. They are an intriging adaptation to promote seed dispersal by attracting birds to eat them.


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