Saturday, August 29, 2009

SharonJ - scavenger hunt 26 -50

26. redox reaction - redox describs all chemical reactions in which atoms have their oxidation number changed. Oxidations describes the loss of electrons. Reduction describes the gain of electrons . organic fuel substances such as wood, coal or gas are examples of compounds that can be oxidized. Combustion reactions are good examples of redox reactions. Shown here is a picture of a bonfire taken in upstate new york.

27. bilateral symetery – it is the symmetrical arrangement, as of an organism or a body part along a central axis so that the body is divided into equivalent right and left halves by only one plane. Shown here is a picture of a tadpole that has bilateral symmetry taken in upstate new york .

28. radial symmetry – radial symmetry is having similar parts regularly arranged around an axis .shown here is a picture of cucumber that has radial symmertry.

29. endotherm –mammals and birds are called endotherms. An endotherm is an animal that can control its internal body temperature. Endotherms are called “warm blooded” animals. Shown here is a picture of a dog, an endotherm taken in new delhi , india.

30. auxin producing area of a plant – auxin is made in the meristem which is tip of stem capable of growth . auxins are a class of plant growth substance and plant hormone. Auxins influence the growth of stems toward light and against force of gravity. Shown here is a picture of a plant taken in india.

31. autotroph – an autotroph is an organism that serves as a primary producer in a food chain. Autotrophs obtain energy and nutrients by harnessing sunlight through photosynthesis. Autotrophs do not consume other organisms. Plants are an example of an autotroph .shown here is a picture of plants taken in kerala , india.

32. stigma and style of carpel - the stigma is the sticky surface at the top that traps and holds pollen. The style is the tube like structure that holds up the stigma. The style leads down to the ovary that contains the ovules. Shown here is a picture of a flower in my backyard.

33. gibberrellins- gibberellins are plant hormones that regulate growth and influence various developmental processes including stem elongation, germination, flowering, leaf and fruit senescence and enzyme induction. Shown here is a picture of a banana tree taken in kerala , india.

34.lichen – lichens are composite organisms consisting of a symbiotic association of funguswith a photosynthetic partner usually green alga or cyanobacterium. They are abundant on leaves and brances. Shown here is a picture of a lichen on a tree in kerala , india .

35.detritovore- detritovores are heterotrophs that obtain nutrients by coming decomposing organic matter. By doing so they contribute to decomposition and the nutrient cycles. Typical detritivorous animals include millipedes, woodlice, dung flies many worms etc. shown here is a picture of millipede taken in kerala, india.

36.animal that has a segmented body - shown here is a picture of an ant hill taken in kerala , india . each segment of the ant has its specific function and are not repeated in the other segments. The exoskeleton provides muscle attachment , protection and reduces water loss.

37. frond – a frond is a large leaf with many divisions to it, and the term is typically used for the leaves of palms, ferns or cycads. Shown here is a picture of coconut palm trees taken in kerala, india.

38. long day plant - a long day plant requires fewer than a certain number of hours of darness in each 24 hour period to induce flowering. These plants typically flower in the late spring or early summer as days are getting longer. As I was unable to find the actual plant , I took a picture of a bag of peas as pea plant is an example of a long day plant.

39.anther and filament of stamen – the stamen is the male organ of a flower. Each stamen has a stalk called the filament and on the top of the filament , an anther. Pollen is made in the anther. The male parts of a flower are specialized to produce pollen. Shown here is a picture of a flower taken in kerala , india.

40.seed dispersal – shown here is a picture of a squirrel taken in new delhi, india. Animals like this squirrel eat the fruit and carry the seeds to a new location, thus spreading the seeds.

41.phloem - phloem is the living tisseue that carries organic nutrients. In tree,s the phloem is the innermost layer of the bark . this is a picture of a tree in new delhi, india.

42. modified root of a plant – this is a picture of the roots of the tree growing around it. This was taken in kerala,india.

43. tropism – tropism indicates growth or turning movement of a biological organism,usually a plant in resonse to a environmental stimulus. A type of tropism is phototropism , directional growth in which direction is determined by source of light. Shown here is a picture of a plant in my backyard facing the light.

44. commensalism – commensalism is a class of relationship between two organisms where one benefits but the other is unaffcted. Shown here is a picture of cow taken in india. Sometimes birds sit on their backs , this does not affect the cows but the birds benefit from it as they get their food(insects).

45.&46 organisms in different animal phyla
Shown here is a picture of a camel which was taken in new delhi, india which is part of phylum chordata and a picture of the leaf insect taken at the zoo in germany, which is part of the phylum arthropoda. Arthopods include a diverse group of insects , crustaceans, spiders, scorpions and centipedes.

47. parasitism – parasitism is type of symbiotic relationship between two different organisms where one organism, the parasite, benefits at the expense of the host. Shown here is a picture of a cat taken in india , the cat might have fleas which are parasites , which can cause deadly diseases.

48. predation - predation describes biological interaction where a predator feeds on its prey. Shown here is a picture of a lion taken at the zoo in germany . lions are predators of birds and other small animals.

49. & 50 different types of carbohydrates
Carbohydrates are among the most abundant compounds on earth. Shown here is the picture of maple syrup that contains fructose which is a monosaccharide. The other picture is of milk which has lactose which is a disaccharide.

1 comment:

  1. Great job, Sharon.

    I think its great you took the photos while on your travels.

    Some corrections:

    1. Biologically, the palm leaves are not fronds. Fern leaves are fronds.

    2. Don't you think that the birds removing the insects from the cows might benefit the cow? They might be removing parasites.


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